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Shirvani, PhD
My Story
Dr. Tara Shirvani is a co-founder of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group, alongside Sir David King and an internationally acclaimed climate finance and sustainability expert with deep expertise in decarbonisation pathways. Her extensive knowledge in climate finance has earned her accolades such as Forbes 30 under 30, and Aviva Women of the Future Awardee.
She is most known for her book Plastic Eaters and Turbo Trees: How to Save the Climate, Remove all the Trash from the Sea, and Master the Rest with Brilliance, an Amazon bestseller and the first ever mainstream book on Synthetic Biology for Climate Action.
As a Cambridge & Oxford Alumna with more than 15 years of experience at the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Autonomy Capital and EQT, her expertise is widely sought after by media outlets and institutional investors globally.
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Die Erde hat schon viele Krisen überstanden: Meteoriteneinschläge, Vulkanausbrüche, Eiszeiten und Warmzeiten. Aber wird sie auch uns überstehen? Unsere Spezies hat die Natur so sehr gestresst, dass ein neues Massensterben der Arten im Gang ist. Aber könnten wir das nicht ändern? Mit Werkzeugen wie "Genome Editing" oder synthetischer Biologie den Weltuntergang aufhalten?

Dr. Tara Shirvani, climate finance expert, discusses with BBC News the latest revelations that the host of the UN Cop28 summit, the United Arab Emirates, planned to use climate meetings with other countries to promote deals for its national oil and gas companies, according to leaked documents.

Die Wiener Forscherin Tara Shirvani gibt im krone.tv-Interview mit Conny Winiwarter faszinierende Einblicke in die synthetische Biologie: „Wir können mit der Biologie wie mit Legosteinen spielen. Die synthetische Biologie erlaubt uns, alles, was wir wollen, im Labor zu züchten“.

Dr. Tara Shirvani is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of Climate Finance, the Bio-Economy and new Technologies, such as Synthetic Biology, which can bring about deep and rapid decarbonisation pathways.